Tony in Time

This exploration of collaborative writing with multiple AIs, 3D animation, graphic design, and performance allows Tony to EXPLORE his and your world. With a distinctive ability to traverse time and space with ORBIS, Tony is on his first Collective Journey. Inspired by our friends over @goCMNH, the Cleveland Natural History Museum, this video explores the DEVONIAN PERIOD. They bring out the kid in me. 

You find yourself in a time called the Devonian Period, which is a part of Earth’s history. It’s like an incredible adventure to see how the world used to be.

In the Devonian Period, we had strange and wondrous creatures on land and in the oceans. But what’s exciting about this time is how plants changed the world.

Picture this: a long time ago, there weren’t big, tall trees like we have today. Instead, some simple plants, like mosses and ferns, were starting to figure out how to live on land. Unlike modern plants, these plants didn’t have proper roots, stems, or leaves. They were like the plant world pioneers, trying new ways to survive on dry land.

Now, let’s talk about the forests of that era. These early plants started to team up and create something like a forest. But it wasn’t like the forests we have now with giant trees. These ancient forests were like big clumps of plants, like really crowded gardens.

The plants in these forests were relatively short and didn’t grow very tall. They had simple leaves and small stems. They didn’t have flowers or fruits yet. But they were super important because they helped create the soil and provide homes for all critters, like insects and tiny animals.

The cool thing is that these Devonian forests were a bit like the beginning of a grand experiment. As these plants got better at living on land, they started changing the environment around them. Their roots helped hold the soil together, which meant more plants could grow. They also released oxygen into the air, making it easier for animals to breathe.

Over time, these simple plants started evolving into more complex ones. Some of them grew taller and started forming the first real trees. By the end of the Devonian Period, Earth was becoming greener and more plant-filled.

So, to sum it up, the Devonian Period was a time long ago when plants were starting to figure out how to live on land. They formed small, clumpy forests that looked different from the giant forests we know today. These plants were like the pioneers of the plant world, changing the environment and paving the way for the lush, green Earth we have now.